3/28/18: East Sir Francis Drake Improvements - Helping You Get to the Future 3rd Lane
Construction is well underway and motorists traveling the corridor will see heavy equipment, temporary construction barriers and will experience lane shifts as crews work to complete the project by late April 2018.
East Sir Francis Drake Boulevard Improvements include:
- Adding a double right-turn lane from Larkspur Landing Circle West onto westbound Sir Francis Drake Boulevard to provide more green time for east/west travelers; installing more effective and efficient traffic signals and improving pedestrian accessibility in the area.
- Relocating the existing eastbound lane drop on East Sir Francis Drake Boulevard approximately 1,000 feet to the east to reduce congestion that backs into the intersection at Larkspur Landing Circle East.
- Relocating a small portion of the existing Class 1 path to make room for the lane drop relocation and widen the shoulder to accommodate bicycle traffic.
This project is being sponsored by TAM in coordination with the City of Larkspur. The City of Larkspur is currently overseeing construction activities.
Please be cautious around construction areas and follow instructions from signage and traffic flaggers.
Page last updated: 2018-03-28