12/20/24 – TAM Traveler December 2024
TAM Adopts First-Ever Countywide Transportation Plan (CTP), Marin-Sonoma Narrows Project Marches Toward the Finish Line, TAM Awards $11.86M for Transit with RM3 Funds, Marin Commutes New Year Challenge, Bellam Blvd, Off-Ramp Improvement Project Begins Phase 1, Alternative Fuels Program Update, Partner News, and more! [Traveler Archive]

10/30/24 – TAM Traveler October/November 2024
Redwood Bikeshare – Now Rolling in Marin and Sonoma, Marin 101-580 Multimodal & Local Access Improvement Project Scoping Meeting, Bellam Boulevard Workshops, Marin County Mobility Hubs Plan Survey, Draft Countywide Transportation Plan 2050, Eyes Up Marin! Street Smarts Fall Campaign Launched – Free Yard Signs!, Update on Sea Level Rise Adaptation, Second Annual Clean Fleet Expo is a Success!, SR2S Updates: iWalk October & Ruby Bridges November, Newsletter, Partner News, and more! [Traveler Archive]

8/20/24 – TAM Traveler July/August 2024
Canal Community Fair for the 101-580 Multimodal and Local Access Improvement Project, Join Marin Commutes for the September Transit Month Challenge, Emergency Ride Home Programs in Marin and Throughout the Bay Area!, TAM Allocates $6.5M in Transportation Sales Tax Funds for FY2024-2025, Update on the Countywide Transportation Plan, TAM Received $400K Grant from MTC to Plan Mobility Hubs, Partner News, and more! [Traveler Archive]

6/14/24 – TAM Traveler June 2024
101-580 Bellam Blvd. Workshop and Canal Neighborhood Street Fair in July, $3.2M in SB1 Funding for Marin County!, Crossing Guard of the Year Louise Bussell!, Newest Segment of North-South Greenway Opens in Larkspur!, Bike to Work Day, Safe Routes to Schools Latest Newsletter and Golden Bell Award, Partner News, and more! [Traveler Archive]

5/7/24 – TAM Traveler May 2024
Special “Share These Stories” Edition: Countywide Transportation Plan – Survey Now Open!, Marin Commutes Spring Commute Challenge Through May 31!, Bike to Work/Wherever Day is May 16!, Attend the Bellam Boulevard Workshop! May 29 at 5:30 PM [Traveler Archive]

4/19/24 – TAM Traveler April 2024
101-580 Multimodal and Local Access Improvement Project Update, TAM 2023 Annual Report Now Available!, SR 37 Weekend Closures, E-Bike Resources for Parents and Children in Marin County, Partner News, and more! [Traveler Archive]

2/16/24 – TAM Traveler January/February 2024
TAM Adopts 2024 Local Road Safety Plan, 50% Fare Reduction for Qualified Transit Riders, North-South Greenway Construction Starts on the Larkspur Section, Sonoma-Marin Bikeshare Name Survey, San Rafael Third Street Rehabilitation Project Completed, Marin County Lowers Speeds on Four County-Maintained Roads, Partner News, and more! [Traveler Archive]

12/21/23 – TAM Traveler December 2023
$544,000 Awarded to Develop School Access Safety Action Plan, Marin-Sonoma Bikeshare Moving Forward with New Vendor Selection, Take A Comprehensive Video Tour of State Route 37, More Awards for the North-South Greenway, East Blithedale Rehabilitation Project Completed, $50M for State Route 37 Between Vallejo and Sears Point, Partner News, and more! [Traveler Archive]

11/17/23 – TAM Traveler November/December 2023
Marin-Sonoma Narrow Construction Making Great Progress, Marin County Focuses on e-Bike Safety, North-South Greenway (NSG) Gap Closure in Larkspur, Countywide Transportation Plan (CTP) Workshop Recap, SR2S News, Transportation Electrification at Schools, Street Smarts, Crossing Guards Needed, Earn Marin Commute Rewards, Partner News, and more! [Traveler Archive]

9/29/23 – TAM Traveler September/October 2023
SR 37 Corridor – Flood Reduction Project Updates & Available DEIR, 101/580 Multi-Modal and Local Access Improvement Project Update, Countywide Transportation Plan Outreach and Engagement, TAM’s Semi-Annual Project Status Report Available, SR2S Encouragement and Education Efforts, Safety Tips, Street Smarts, Partner Updates, Acceptance of Countywide EV Acceleration Plan and Clean Fleet Expo, and more! [Traveler Archive]

8/3/23 – TAM Traveler July/August 2023
Marin Transit Celebrates $31.5M for Electric Bus Facility, $21.3M for Marin County Roads in 2023-2024 Thanks to SB1 Additional Funds, North-South Greenway & Cross Marin Bikeway Status Report Now Available, $6.9M for Road Maintenance to Local Jurisdictions from Measures AA & A, $400K for TAM Mobility Planning Hub, Electric Vehicle Events, Partner Updates and more! [Traveler Archive]

6/8/23 – TAM Traveler June 2023
Final Segment of Marin-Sonoma Narrows Reaches New Milestone, North-South Greenway Over Corte Madera Creeks Wins State Award, Crossing Guard of the Year, TAM’s Draft FY2023-24 Budget Report Available for Comment, Highway 101 Interchange Workshops Announced, TAM and County Preparing Local Road Safety Plan, SR2S Evaluation Report Released, Partner Updates and more! [Traveler Archive]

5/4/23 – TAM Traveler April/May 2023
TAM Annual Report, TAM Crossing Guard Location Recertification, “Eyes Up Marin” – Get Your Free Lawn Sign, TAM Celebrates Earth Day – Bike To Work Day, and Bike Month, Planning for Three Marin County Interchanges Kicks Off, Sea Level Rise Adaption Planning for Marin’s Transportation System Awarded, Partner Updates and more! [Traveler Archive]

3/9/23 – TAM Traveler February/March 2023
$1.25M for Part-Time Transit Lane Project, Amendments to Measure B, TAM Semi-Annual Project Updates, State Route 37 Updates, Tamalpais Overcrossing, Project Novato Boulevard Project Funding Moves Forward, Partner Updates and more! [Traveler Archive]

2/3/23 – TAM Traveler January/February 2023
$20M in Grant Funding for High-Priority Projects, CA Supreme Court Dismisses Challenge Against RM3, Updated Measure B Vehicle Registration Fee Expenditure Plan Amendment, New Year Commute Challenge, TAM Adopts 2023 Legislative Platform, Partner Updates and more! [Traveler Archive]

12/13/22 – TAM Traveler December 2022
Measure B Vehicle Registration Fee Expenditure Plan Updates, SR 37 Corridor Update Meetings, Free Bike Helmet Giveaway, Interchange and Approaching Roadways Studies and Implementation Plan, Fall Street Smarts Campaign See Grassroots Support for Safety Messages, Partner Updates and more! [Traveler Archive]

10/7/22 – TAM Traveler September/October 2022
Marin Commutes launches new rewards program, TAM recommends $11.9M in OBAG 3 funding for local projects, Eyes Up Marin! new safety campaign launching, Alt. Fuels and EV program updates, TAM project status updates, Measure B updates, SR2S updates, partner updates and more! [Traveler Archive]

8/9/22 – TAM Traveler July/August 2022
North-South Greenway over Corte Madera Creek now open, Marin-Sonoma Narrows construction on final segment has begun, $30M in funding secured for Marin projects to combat sea level rise, Safe Routes to Schools updates, TAM approves implementation plan for 12 Highway 101 interchanges, partner updates and more! [Traveler Archive]

6/16/22 – TAM Traveler June 2022
Crossing Guard of the year, celebrating TAM’s Crossing Guards many years of service, Measure B review process, SR2S updated – 22 years in Marin!, North-South Greenway construction update, alternative fuels program update, Caltrans 101 survey, partner updates and more! [Traveler Archive]

5/12/22 – TAM Traveler May 2022
Measure B Vehicle Registration Fee expenditure plan up for 10-year review, Final Marin-Sonoma Narrow construction contract awarded, Highway 37 carpool pilot program, SR2S gets newly updated website, Bike to Work Day 2022, partner updates and more! [Traveler Archive]

4/6/22 – TAM Traveler March/April 2022
North-South Greenway Partial Opening, TAM 2021 Annual Report, TAM Seeks EV Project Concepts from Local Agencies, Major Road Project Construction Updates and Progress, Mill Valley Completes Bike/Ped Improvement Project, partner updates and more! [Traveler Archive]

3/9/22 – Letter of Interest for Electric Vehicle Projects and Programs
TAM is seeking input from public agencies to identify needs related to vehicle fleet electrification and Electric Vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure. Public agencies including school districts, water districts, municipalities, emergency services, and other public entities in Marin County are encouraged to submit concepts or proposed projects to TAM. View the press release for more information.

2/11/22 – TAM Traveler February 2022
North-South Greenway construction progress, San Rafael awards Third Street rehabilitation contract, San Anselmo Hub study update, SR 37 projects update, submit comments on the environmental document for Novato Blvd. improvements, Safe Routes to School is thriving, partner updates and more! [Traveler Archive]

12/20/21 – TAM Traveler December 2021
Marin 101-580 Director Connector Project, Ruby Bridges Walk to School Day, North-South Greenway Project Construction Update, Sir Francis Drake Blvd. Construction Completed, Highway 37 project updates, Marin-Sonoma Narrows Gets a New Section of Carpool Lane Through Petaluma, partner updates and more! [Traveler Archive]

11/18/21 – TAM Traveler November 2021
Final Marin Sonoma Narrows segment out to bid, historic infrastructure bill signed, TAM’s annual comprehensive report released, SR-37 flood control project, 101-580 connector project update, CMP maps available online, partner updates and more! [Traveler Archive]

10/1/21 – TAM has released its Request for Proposal for IT Support Services
The Transportation Authority of Marin (TAM) is soliciting proposals from qualified professional vendors for information technology (IT) support services. Proposals must be submitted via email by 3:00 PM on Friday October 22, 2021.

9/30/21 – TAM Traveler September/October 2021
iWalk returns for the 21st year, more crossing guards needed, local projects receive TFCA/TDA funding, N-S Greenway construction update, Gate 6 Road construction update, Alt Fuels program update, Richmond-San Rafael Bridge study update, partner updates and more! [Traveler Archive]

7/29/21 – TAM Traveler July/August 2021
New Crosswalk signals in San Rafael and Kentfield, SR2S RETURNS to school, new crossing guards needed, SR 37 update to TAM BPAC, TAM projects status report available, TAM hosts clean fleet webinar, partner updates and more! [Traveler Archive]

6/24/21 – TAM Strategic Plan
On June 24, the TAM Board approved the 2021 Strategic Plan. Click here to view the final document and visit the Measure AA page under Funding on this website for the Strategic Plan and the staff report.

6/24/21 – TAM FY 2020/21 Budget
On June 24, 2021, the TAM Board approved the FY2021-22 Annual Budget.

6/11/21 – TAM Traveler May/June 2021
North-South Greenway construction update, new online walking and biking map resource, TAM Crossing Guard of the Year, Denise Merleno retires, new TAM COC members appointed, major roads improvements, Marin-Sonoma Narrows update and more! [Traveler Archive]

5/7/21 – TAM Traveler April/May 2021
May is Bike Month, Bike to School Day is May 12, Marin County Awarded $4.8M in Highway Safety Improvement Funding, North-South Greenway Gap Closure Project Construction Update, 101/580 Stakeholder Working Group, Gate 6 Road and Bridgeway Intersection Construction Progresses, and more! [Traveler Archive]

4/8/21 – TAM Traveler March/April 2021
Take the Highway 101 and Approaching Roadway Study, Back to School Safety Reminder, 2020 TAM Annual Report, Highway 37 Town Hall, Marin Commutes Spring Newsletter, San Rafael 3rd Street Rehabilitation, Safe Pathways Projects updates, and more! [Traveler Archive]

3/17/21 – Press Release – Highway 101 Interchange Study Survey
The Transportation Authority of Marin (TAM) has released a new survey to receive community input about interchanges along the Highway 101 corridor in Marin County. The survey is part of TAM’s Highway 101 Interchange and Approaching Roadway Study that is underway to examine potential improvements to twelve interchanges along Highway 101 in Marin County.

2/26/21 – TAM Traveler February/March 2021
Take the Marin-Sonoma Bike Share survey, TAM reviews current practices in transportation equity, additional federal funding supplements transportation funding in 2021, SR2S Winter newsletter, get status updates for TAM projects, North-South Greenway construction begins, and more! [Traveler Archive]

1/27/21 – TAM Traveler January/February 2021
Meet TAM’s newest Commissioners, learn about the new Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) interactive map, read about TAM’s new Electric Vehicle and E-Bike resources, meet the Crossing Guard of the Year, get updates on the East Blithedale roadway improvement project in Mill Valley, get the latest Partner News, and more! [Traveler Archive]

12/3/20 – TAM Traveler November/December 2020
Read about the Solutions for Congested Corridors Program funding for the final Marin-Sonoma Narrows segment, get updates on the North-South Greenway construction, see updates on Francisco Blvd. East and West construction improvements for active transportation users, read about our Partner News, and more! [Traveler Archive]

12/2/20 – $40.1 Million Approved for Marin-Sonoma Narrows
On December 2, the California Transportation Commission approved $40.1 million in highly competitive funding for the final segment of the Marin-Sonoma Narrows Project. This section of the project, known as B7, will widen the roadway to build the final portion of carpool lanes from Novato to the Marin/Sonoma County line. [Press Release]

10/30/20 – TAM Traveler October/November 2020
Learn about the Alternative Fuels program and new EV chargers, Part-Time Transit Lane (Bus on Shoulder) study, Third Street Corridor projects in San Rafael, Sir Francis Drake Rehabilitation project, the North-South Greenway project, free Marin Transit rides to the polls, and new online resources for schools reopening in Marin County! [Traveler Archive]

10/2/20 – TAM Traveler September/October 2020
Learn about the Crossing Guard Program, East Blithedale planned improvements, the North-South Greenway, Sausalito Gate 6, the TAM Annual Report, Marin Transit Clipper START, Francisco Boulevard East construction, SFCTA Congestion Pricing Study, a Transit Survey from MTC and emergency repair work on Highway 1 near Stinson Beach. [Traveler Archive]

9/3/20 – TAM Traveler August/September 2020
Topics in this edition include the installation of a new safety barrier on the SFD Flyover, Bike to Wherever Days, Electrify your Ride event, Larkspur Safe Pathways projects, SMART Listening Forums, the California Transportation Plan, a Telework Webinar and updates on safety plans and modifications by Transit Agencies in the time of COVID-19. [Traveler Archive]

7/30/20 – TAM Traveler July/August 2020
Read the newest edition of the TAM Traveler! QuickBuild Projects, Marin Transit Status, Travel Data during the Pandemic, Connect2Transit, SR2S Evaluation Report, 101 Interchange Studies, Marin 101-580 Project, Construction Progress, SFD History and Listening, SCTA Ballot Measure, Plan Bay Area, Drawdown Marin, SR 37, Clipper START program, and CARES Act Funding for Transit. [Traveler Archive]

7/23/20 – Travel Data Changes during COVID-19
The COVID-19 pandemic and shelter-in-place order have resulted in an unprecedented reduction of travel. TAM has collected transportation data to assess the reduction in movement in the County and monitor mobility changes on our transportation systems. The report includes data gathered from March to June showing trends for highway traffic volume, speed, incidents, bridge traffic volume, transit ridership and CO2 emissions. [Travel Data Report]

7/1/20 – TAM Traveler June/July 2020
In this edition of the TAM Traveler you will find updates about Addressing Equity in TAM’s Activities, New Connect2Transit Program, QuickBuild Projects, Local Municipalities Supporting Social Distancing, Sir Francis Drake Blvd. Construction Update, SR2S Summer Activities, State Route 37 Construction Update, and more! [Traveler Archive]

6/17/20 – Marin Transit and TAM partner with Uber to launch integrated on-demand Connect2Transit Program
Marin Transit and the Transportation Authority of Marin (TAM) have partnered with Uber to offer Connect2Transit, a new program offering an integrated suite of on-demand mobility services to help people move around Marin County. Starting July 1, 2020, people in Marin County will have access to a range of new on demand services through the Uber app, provided by both TAM and Marin Transit. Uber users will soon see a new shared ride transit option in the app known as Marin Connect. This service is provided by Marin Transit using fully accessible vehicles with transit drivers. [Press Release]

6/15/20 – The Proposed FY2020-21 TAM Annual Budget is Available for Public Review & Comment
The Proposed FY2020-21 TAM Annual Budget is available for public review and comment. The Proposed Budget was released for public comment at the May 28, 2020 TAM Board of Commissioners meeting. The Board will conduct a public hearing and consider approval of the Proposed FY2020-21 Annual Budget at the June 25, 2020 Board meeting. [Proposed Budget]

6/2/20 – TAM Traveler May/June 2020
Read the newest edition of the TAM Traveler! View images of empty roadways while Marin County residents shelter-in-place, guidelines for residents and businesses, North-South Greenway closer to construction, Marin 101-580 Project stakeholder group to convene, SR2S responds and adapts to COVID-19, new EV charging heads installed, TAM Proposed FY2020-2021 budget released for public comment, protected bike path being built at Andersen Dr. and I-580, and more! [Traveler Archive]

5/15/20 – TAM and Citizens’ Oversight Committee Annual Report
Read the Annual Report to receive updates on transportation funding, planning activities, projects and programs in Marin. [Annual Report]

4/22/20 – TAM Traveler April 2020
Read the newest edition of the TAM Traveler! You will find updates about COVID-19 transit impacts and emergency funding, videos celebrating the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day, 20th Anniversary of Safe Routes to Schools (SR2S) and the 15th Anniversary of TAM, remote board meeting participation instructions, SR2S distance learning adjustments, the TAM Annual Report and more! [Traveler Archive]

4/22/20 – We Still Have Reasons to Celebrate. 2020 is a Milestone Year for Earth Day, SR2S, and TAM!
Even during this somber time of COVID-19, we can find comfort in our community coming together to support each other, and we can celebrate key milestones of positive events, ideas and programs. TAM created a video and animation to highlight milestones for Earthday, Safe Routes to Schools and TAM. [Video] [Animation]

3/6/20 – TAM Traveler March 2020
Check out TAM’s Feb./Mar. newsletter! Read about updates to the bike share program at SMART stations in Sonoma and Marin, electric vehicle program updates and resources, Highway 37 project news and updates, temporary closure of the Richmond-San Rafael bridge bike and pedestrian pathway, transit updates, and more! [Traveler Archive]

2/28/20 – Local Funding Jump Starts NB US-101 to EB I-580 Direct ConnectorTAM Traveler March/April 2020
The TAM Board approved funding to initiate the project to build a direct freeway connection between northbound US-101 and eastbound I-580 to access the Richmond-San Rafael (RSR) Bridge and widen I-580 eastbound to three lanes between the new connector and the RSR Bridge. [More Info]

2/20/20 – Day Time Closures of Richmond-San Rafael Bridge Path – Weekdays, 2/24 – 3/13
The new bicycle/pedestrian path on the Richmond-San Rafael Bridge will be closed for five hours each weekday, beginning Monday, Feb. 24 and continuing through Friday, March 13, to allow Caltrans to perform structural inspections of the span. [Press Release]

2/3/20 – Gotcha Mobility Recommended for Bike Share Pilot Program
A bike share pilot program in Marin and Sonoma is taking shape and the firm Gotcha Mobility (Gotcha) will be recommended as the operator of the program. The Sonoma County Transportation Authority and Transportation Authority of Marin received a grant from the Metropolitan Transportation Commission to make bike share available along the SMART corridor and are now ready to award a contract. [Press Release]

1/30/20 – TAM Traveler January 2020
Read the newest edition of the TAM Traveler! Read about the expansion of the GET2SMART Lyft $5 incentive program, TAM projects early 2020 updates, SR2S 20-year anniversary, Marin Commutes programs, Plan Bay Area 2050, and more! [Traveler Archive]

1/24/20 – TAM Expands Lyft Incentive to all SMART Stations in Marin
Lyft expands TAM’s $5 shared ride program incentive to include the new Larkspur and Downtown Novato SMART stations! [Press Release]

1/1/20 – Safe Routes to School in Marin County turns 20!
Twenty years ago the Safe Routes to Schools (SR2S) program was launched in Marin County! SR2S is now a national movement with the sole goal of helping to get kids to and from school in an active, safe, and healthy manner. TAM has been providing local funding for the SR2S program since 2004. [SR2S Winter 2020 Newsletter]