Congestion Management Program

The Transportation Authority of Marin (TAM) is designated as the congestion management agency for Marin County, and is tasked with preparing a Congestion Management Program to fulfill the state legislative requirements of Propositions 111 and 116, approved in June 1990.
TAM’s congestion management program monitors our local multi-modal transportation networks level of service on our roadways, bicycle and pedestrian facilities and transit services, and identifies improvements to the performance of these multi-modal systems.
The CMP consists of a system monitoring effort, performance measurement and capital improvement plan for these systems. As required by state legislation TAM maintains a travel demand model to forecast proposed changes to the transportation network.
Simply click on either of the images below to be taken to an interactive map that shows Levels of Service (LOS), a measure of how efficient traffic is flowing along the roadway. These maps show levels of congestion as they were monitored and measured from October 1 through October 31 of each year. You can view the LOS maps for the years 2019 and 2020.
Interactive Congestion Maps
Draft 2021 Congestion Management Program (CMP) Update
2020 Transportation System Monitoring Report
Final 2019 Congestion Management Program (CMP) Update
2016 Transportation System Monitoring Report
CMP 2010 Monitoring Report Final
CMP Update 2011 Final
CMP 2012 Monitoring Report Final
CMP Update 2013 Final
2014 TAM CMP Update FINAL
2014 TAM Monitoring Report FINAL
Funding to conduct the Congestion Management Program is provided by CMA planning funds.