Bellam Boulevard Off-Ramp & Safety Improvements Project


The Bellam Boulevard Off-Ramp & Safety Improvement Project (Project) is a Transportation Authority of Marin (TAM) sponsored project on the State Highway System intended to mitigate the congestion on northbound US-101 and eastbound I-580 at the Bellam Boulevard off-ramp in San Rafael.  On May 7, 2024, the County of Marin Board of Supervisors authorized a Cooperative Agreement with TAM for the County to advertise, award, and administer the Project construction contract on behalf of TAM. The Cooperative Agreement provides for TAM to reimburse the County for the costs to construct the Project, including construction capital, County staff time for construction management oversight and contract administration, and professional services for construction management, inspections, and materials testing. Additionally:

  • Construction is expected to begin in January 2025 with the bulk of the work and construction is expected to begin in Spring 2025. The anticipated completion is Fall 2025.
  • This is an important Project as it is intended to mitigate the congestion on northbound US-101 and eastbound I-580 at the Bellam Boulevard off-ramp in San Rafael. The widening of the off-ramp from northbound US-101 will separate the traffic turning left onto Bellam Boulevard from the traffic turning right or continuing straight across the intersection to the eastbound I-580 on-ramp. The current funding consists of Transportation Sales Tax (Measures A and AA) as well as the CTC LPP allocation.
  • The Project will help greatly reduce the afternoon backup on Northbound 101 and Eastbound I-580 waiting to exit to Bellam.  This is an important safety project, that TAM, Caltrans, and the City of San Rafael have been working on for a significant amount of time. Traffic studies show there should be an immediate reduction in stopped traffic on the freeways.

With the recent CTC allocation, the Project is now fully funded for $9.1M.

Download the must current project documentation:

Bellam Off Ramp Visual Simulation (2.7 MB PNG document)


Scott McDonald

Principal Transportation Planner


Phone: (415) 226-0826