Ramp metering manages traffic entering a freeway by regulating the flow of traffic and making it smoother for vehicles to merge onto the freeway.
The Ramp Metering Program is part of the larger Freeway Performance Initiative, a partnership between The Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC), Caltrans and local congestion management agencies. The initiative works to apply technology to reduce the effects of congestion, including ramp metering, message signs, roving tow trucks to clear incidents, and 511 traveler information.
A Ramp Metering Technical Advisory Committee (RMTAC), was formed by MTC, Caltrans, TAM, Marin cities and towns, and the County of Marin, to provide direction for the Ramp Metering Program. When the project is initiated, the committee recommended that the first phase of metering should occur on the northbound ramps from Spencer Avenue to Sir Francis Drake Boulevard.
View the Caltrans webpage for updates.
See the Video Below for an overview of Ramp Metering in Marin County.
Caltrans is planning to construct Ramp Metering in two phases in Marin County. Phase 1 includes construction of ramp meters in the northbound direction along Highway 101 from Spencer Avenue to Sir Francis Drake Boulevard.
Construction of Phase 1 began in April 2019. The project scope includes installation and repair of ramp meters at 11 locations, including 3 ramps that will be widened, and installation of Traffic Operations Systems (TOS). TOS elements include installation of Changeable Messages Signs (CMS) and replacement of traffic detection loops under the road surface.