TAM Tabs Template
The intent of the study is to identify and evaluate a range of possible transportation-related improvement projects along the corridor. The study limits would extend approximately 10 miles from the Alameda/Santa Clara County border in the City of Milpitas to the 1-280/I-680 interchange in the City of San Jose. The I-680 Corridor is an important north-south link connecting Alameda and Santa Clara counties. It serves as a major commute route between the counties and as an interstate route connecting the South County region of the Bay Area to the rest of the Bay Area.
Through a collaborative effort with local, State and regional stakeholders, the study will identify transportation improvement projects along the corridor that promote mobility and connectivity, enhance safety and security, support economic vitality and sustainability, and is sensitive to the environment and community values for programming and implementation.

Interstate 680 Transportation Survey
Update: This study was undertaken to provide VTA, Caltrans, and local stakeholder agencies with a broad range of potential improvements for consideration and evaluation to support the goals and objectives established for the Study. The goals include improving geometrics, traffic operations and safety for all modes of travel, enhancing connectivity of local roadways and accessibility to transit facilities, upgrading bicycle and pedestrian access, supporting the economy, protecting and enhancing the environment, and other objectives consistent with local, State and federal policies. Attached below is the final I-680 Study report completed in February 2016. Click on any of the provided links to access the report.
VTA launched the Interstate 680 Survey in late August through an interactive crowdsourcing map that enabled the public to give input n specific geographic locations along the I-680 corridor in Santa Clara County. Please see the infographic below for some results from the survey.
Please note, the correct percentage of people surveyed in favor of extending the HOV/Express Lanes into Santa Clara County is 59%, 53% as previously noted is incorrect.

I-680 Study – Potential Improvements
The illustrations below include potential improvements that were presented during the public workshop meeting to be proposed for inclusion in the overall strategic plan for the I-680 corridor and are not yet approved projects.
Typical Medium Cost Interchange Improvements
Capital Expressway Southbound Off-Ramp Flyover
Mainline Average Speed and Collision History
Express Lane Conceptual Alternatives
Express/Carpool Lane Alternatives
Carpool Lane Conceptual Alternatives
Potential Improvements at SR 237/Calaveras Blvd
Potential Improvements at McKee Road

Highway Improvements: Mainline operational improvements, managed lanes, auxiliary lanes and on-ramp or off-ramp modifications that are intended to primarily improve highway operations along the corridor.
Local Street and Interchange Multi-Modal Improvements: Local street and interchange improvements and bicycle or pedestrian upgrades on local streets, that primarily improve local street connections to freeway ramps, including converting full cloverleaf interchanges to partial cloverleaf interchanges and other levels of bicycle and pedestrian improvements along local streets.
Off-Street Bicycle and Pedestrian Improvements: Pedestrian overcrossings or trails along creeks, etc.