Measure AA Safe Pathway
On June 26, 2019, TAM issued the Measure AA Safe Pathway Call for Projects, which is the capital improvement element of the Safe Routes to School program. Applications are due August 16, 2019. Approximately $3.8 million total is available for this Call for Projects. Like the prior cycle of Safe Pathway Projects funded with Measure A funds, this Measure AA Call for Projects consist of two applications – Large Projects and Small Projects.
Approximately $2.9 million of the $3.8 million is available for the large Safe Pathway projects. The maximum project funding request is $400,000 for each large project funded with Measure AA funds. All large project applications must come from approved Safe Routes to School Plans that have been reviewed by a Safe Route Task Force. Applications that did not come from approved Safe Routes to School Plans will not be considered for funding,
Approximately $900,000 of the $3.8 million is available for small Safe Pathway projects. Small Safe Pathway projects are projects that require $50,000 (maximum project funding) or less to design and construct. These funds have been set aside to facilitate small scale improvements around schools that can be completed quickly with minimal pre-construction work needed. These small Safe Pathway projects should be completed within one year after commencement of design. Small project applications do not need to be approved by a Safe Route Task Force.
Staff anticipates presenting recommendations for project selection and funding at the September 2019 TAM Board meeting.
Transportation Fund for Clean Air and Transportation Development Act Article 3
On June 26, 2019, TAM issued a Multi-Fund Call for Projects with Transportation Fund for Clean Air (TFCA) and Transportation Development Act (TDA) Article 3 funding. Applications are due August 16, 2019. Approximately $725,000 is available for this Call for Projects, which may be adjusted based on updated fund estimates and any additional funding that might be available from the funding sponsors.
TAM annually receives TFCA funds from the Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD) and TDA Article 3 funds from the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) for projects that reduce vehicle emissions and bicycle/pedestrian projects, respectively. Staff anticipates presenting recommendations for project selection and funding at the September 2019 TAM Board meeting for approval. Upon approval from the TAM Board, staff will submit a list of recommended projects to BAAQMD and MTC.