Bellam Boulevard Workshop
Bellam Boulevard Workshop
The Transportation Authority of Marin (TAM) is planning a new project to reduce travel times between northbound US 101 and the Richmond-San Rafael Bridge and improve traffic flow and connectivity
The Transportation Authority of Marin (TAM) is planning a new project to reduce travel times between northbound US 101 and the Richmond-San Rafael Bridge and improve traffic flow and connectivity
These meetings will be held in‐person and via Zoom webinar. 2:00 p.m. - Funding, Programs & Legislation Executive Committee Meeting Cancellation Notice 3:30 p.m. – Administration, Projects & Planning Executive
This meeting will be held in‐person and via Zoom webinar. Agenda Full Agenda Packet Watch the live meeting on Zoom: Webinar ID: 890 8866 8224 Passcode: 639820 Teleconference: Members
This meeting will be held in‐person and via Zoom webinar. Agenda Full Agenda Packet Watch the live meeting on Zoom: Webinar ID: 820 4553 2119 Passcode: 071723 Teleconference: Members
This meeting will be held in‐person and via Zoom webinar. Agenda (REVISED - addition of Agenda Item 5j) Agenda Item 5j Full Agenda Packet Executive Director's Report & Supplemental Information